State Court of Appeals has upheld the conviction of a prison inmate who beat and kicked a fellow inmate nearly to death in 2012 at the St. Cloud prison

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The State Court of Appeals has upheld the conviction of a prison inmate who beat and kicked a fellow inmate nearly to death in 2012 at the St. Cloud prison. 33-year old Leonard James Fisherman was convicted of first-degree assault in Sherburne County District Court. He appealed his conviction, arguing that he is a “sovereign citizen” and therefore exempt from the criminal laws of Minnesota and that the prosecutor improperly told the jury that he had previously killed someone. He also argued that the judge presiding at his trial should have ordered a mental competency examination for him before the trial. The Court of Appeals ruled that his arguments ranged from “baseless to unconvincing” as it affirmed his conviction. Fisherman was sentenced to slightly more than eight years in prison for the assault conviction.
