2008 Recipes-Chocolate Cereal Candy

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CHOCOLATE CEREAL CANDY (Thanks to Party Line Guest, Gina from Healthy Exchanges)
1 (4 Serving Size) Pkg. Sugar Free Chocolate Cook and Serve Pudding 1/2 Cup Water
1/4 Cup Reduced Fat Peanut Butter  3/4 Cup Mini Marshmallows
1 Tbs. Vanilla Extract   1 1/2 Cups Uncooked Quick Oats
1/4 Cup Dry Roasted Peanuts, chopped
In a saucepan, combine the pudding and water and then add the peanut butter.  Cook over medium heat until it starts to thicken and slightly boils, stirring constantly.  Add the marshmallows and vanilla extract and stir and cook until marshmallows are melted and smooth.  Remove from heat and stir in the oats and peanuts.  Mix well and then drop with a cookie scoop or spoon onto cookie sheet lined with wax paper.  Refrigerate 30 minutes.
