2015-6-5: Becker pleads not guilty for his role in the shooting January 4th that killed Joseph Kroll and injured Chelsey Crawford

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27-year-old Nathan Becker Wednesday pleaded not guilty in Crow Wing County District Court for his role in the shooting January 4th that killed Joseph Kroll and injured Chelsey Crawford. Becker is charged with aiding and abetting Tyler Cronquist in the shootings on Juniper Street in Brainerd. Becker’s attorney at the hearing Wednesday stated Becker has waived his right for an omnibus hearing, pleaded not guilty to the charges and asked for a trial date to be set. The judge set a tentative date for trial around September 1st but had to work out the schedule with the county attorney. Cronquist was in court Monday on charges of first degree murder and first agree attempted murder. The judge ordered a continuance of that hearing July 22nd.
