2015 Recipes-Grilled Bacon-Wrapped Corn on the Cob

[title size=”1″ content_align=”left” style_type=”underline solid” sep_color=”#000000″ margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” class=”” id=””]Grilled Bacon-Wrapped Corn on the Cob[/title][fullwidth background_color=”” background_image=”” background_parallax=”none” enable_mobile=”no” parallax_speed=”0.3″ background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_position=”left top” video_url=”” video_aspect_ratio=”16:9″ video_webm=”” video_mp4=”” video_ogv=”” video_preview_image=”” overlay_color=”” overlay_opacity=”0.5″ video_mute=”yes” video_loop=”yes” fade=”no” border_size=”0px” border_color=”” border_style=”” padding_top=”20″ padding_bottom=”20″ padding_left=”0″ padding_right=”0″ hundred_percent=”no” equal_height_columns=”no” hide_on_mobile=”no” menu_anchor=”” class=”” id=””][fusion_text]Week of March 16th – 20th, 2015

10 ears corn, husked and cleaned
Cajun seasoning to taste
salt and black pepper to taste
1 (1 pound) package sliced bacon
10 12×8-inch sheets aluminum foil


Sprinkle each ear of corn with Cajun seasoning, salt, and pepper, and wrap each ear with 2 slices of bacon, covering the ear as completely as possible. Wrap the ears in aluminum foil, twisting the ends tightly to seal.

Place the wrapped corn on the preheated grill, and grill on high heat until the corn is hot, about 10 minutes per side. Turn the heat to Low, and grill the corn until the bacon is cooked and the corn is tender, about 45 minutes.
