2016-4-22: USDA is seeks input from Minnesota local food producers

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USDA is seeks input from Minnesota local food producers

[/title][fusion_text]Friday, April 22nd 2016

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is seeking input from Minnesota local food producers. The USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service’s first-ever Local Foods Marketing Practices Survey will collect benchmark data about local food from producers nationwide. The survey will produce information about the number of producers selling directly to local consumers, the value of local foods sales, and marketing practices and expenses. The survey aims to provide a comprehensive look at the number of farms marketing local foods in Minnesota. The agricultural industry, all levels of government, and related businesses and organizations will be able to use information gained from the survey. This knowledge will help evaluate, inform, and implement many of the USDA programs that support the local foods sector. Results from the survey will be published in December of 2016. The USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service reported that Minnesota farm families sold $33.6 million dollars of agricultural products directly to consumers in 2012. Local food producers in Minnesota are encouraged to respond to the Local Foods Marketing Practices Survey. Responses are due by May 2, 2016. More information and the survey can be found at http://www.agcensus.usda.gov/Publications/Local_Food/.
