Major state road projects winding down for construction season

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Traffic headaches Minnesotans may have experienced this summer are now paying off as many of the state’s 290 construction projects wrap up for the season, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Among the projects worked on this summer are several funded through the $330 million Corridors of Commerce program. They are part of a special multi-year effort funding projects that improve roadways with significant freight and commercial use that would otherwise be delayed for years if they were included in Minnesota’s regular road construction program. In Central Minnesota major state projects included Highway 25 in Monticello – This project completed reconstruction of two miles of Highway 25 in Monticello, improved utilities, added a new signal system and improved pedestrian accessibility in the area. Construction cost was $ 6.1 million. Also completed was reconstruction of two miles of I-94 between Rogers and St. Michael. The two-year project added lanes, improved the I-94 bridges spanning the Crow River and constructed a noise barrier near high-density housing along westbound I-94. This project cost $28.3 million. One more major project was Highway 24 in Clearwater where crews began construction on a new Highway 24 bridge spanning the Mississippi River in Clearwater in August. The existing two-lane bridge will remain open until the new two-lane bridge opens in fall 2017. Construction cost for that was $18 million.
