St. Joseph man charged with leaving the scene of an accident after running over and killing a 5-year-old boy in April has pleaded guilty

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A St. Joseph man charged with leaving the scene of an accident after running over and killing a 5-year-old boy in April has pleaded guilty. 32-year old Jeremy Ulik pleaded guilty Friday to one count of felony failure to stop after a collision that resulted in injury or death. The second count Ulik was charged with will be dismissed. He will face a maximum of 75 days in jail, and will be sentenced November 12th. Ulik is charged with running over 5-year-old Cody Nuckolls outside his residence on April 13th. Cody’s mother was waiting across the street for his sister to get off a school bus, and the bus blocked her view of Cody as he was run over. Police used video from the school bus to find Ulik’s vehicle. A criminal complaint against Ulik says he told police he knew he hit the boy but thought he was OK because he was standing up as Ulik drove away. Cody died later that day at the hospital.
